Strategy Session
90 Minute Consult Call
A dedicated, one-on-one visual strategy session packed with high-level recommendations to help you get clear on the next steps for your brand.

what it is:

I’ll use my hands-on design experience of partnering with everyone from Award-Winning Artists to many small businesses over the last 15 years to help you gain immediate clarity. We can use your session to:

  • Clarify your vision for your brand including color palettes, typography and logo styling BEFORE you invest in creative services.
  • Outline a visual framework for your next photo shoot to make sure your ideas align with specific props, wardrobe and a shot list.
  • Identify what makes you stand out from your competitors and then dial it up for increased differentiation.
  • Build out a clear plan to grow your social media presence and nail down on-brand visual ideas to make your grid shine.
  • Conduct a rapid-fire audit on what’s not resonating with your current branding so you can finally break through, once and for all.

what it includes:

  • Clear, actionable advice that you can implement as soon as we hang up
  • The focus and clarity you’ve been seeking in your brand (but are often too close to see clearly)
  • A fresh dose of confidence in your brand vision as you move forward

who it's for:

Business owners who want an extra set of eyes and ears on the next steps of their visual strategy to ensure it feels aligned as they up-level their brand. This includes creatives, especially designers who are re-branding themselves but need more clarity before pulling the trigger and fully committing to their new direction.

kind words

I attract much higher quality leads than before.

I went from having a brand that didn’t really connect well my target client to having an online presence that helps me stand out as an authority in a crowded space.

From my website to my email optin freebies, I now look like the expert that I am.

Dayana Mayfield

I feel very confident in moving forward with my business!

I had just recently hired another designer to update my website but it was very cut and paste, and visually wasn’t flowing.

But with Ivory Adler, I received great feedback from users and achieved my goal of looking more professional and getting visitors to want to learn more about what I do.

Marisa Lupo

Get Started

Interested in working together? Get in touch to share more about your project and schedule a discovery call.


Entertainment | art | Fashion | Yoga | Travel | Luxury | Business / education

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